LGIM Climate
Impact Pledge score
We have analysed companies in 'climate-critical' sectors against key sustainability indicators, drawing on independent data providers and our pioneering climate modelling. Through our transparent scoring methodology, we believe we can drive fundamental change in the market.
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Introducing our Climate Impact Pledge ratings

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time. Recognising the risks of dangerous, potentially catastrophic climate outcomes, we support efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2050, in line with the recommendations of the scientific community.
Under our dedicated engagement programme – the Climate Impact Pledge – we are committed to help companies to step up on their ambition towards Net Zero, build resilient strategies for this transformative transition period and succeed in the low-carbon world.
Our Climate Impact Pledge ratings use quantitative measures to assess companies’ climate disclosures and performance. It aims to promote best practice in terms of climate strategies and disclosure as it is publicly available. Through this assessment tool, we apply a model of “engagement with consequences”. This means that companies that fall short of our minimum standards will be subject to voting sanctions across our entire book.

Our assessment combines quantitative indicators drawn from a range of data providers with some sector-specific, whilst others are applied across sectors. These are publicly available for circa 5,000+ companies globally under a ‘traffic light’ system. By making our climate ratings public, companies (and their stakeholders) are able to transparently verify progress and identify areas which need improvement.
We will follow this assessment with direct engagement with key selected companies whose actions have the potential to galvanise their sectors.
More details on the methodology are available here.
For more information on our expectations for a company in a specific sector, including indicators that we consider to be minimum standards, please see the methodology document.

Each individual indicator contributes equally to a theme, and each theme contributes equally to the 5 overall pillars shown (Governance, Strategy, Risks & Opportunities, Scenario Analysis, Metrics & Targets).
The overall pillar rating is to allow for comparability between companies. However, it is poor disclosure/performance against individual indicators that may lead to a voting sanction from LGIM, rather than not meeting an overall rating threshold for a particular section. We encourage companies to address any gaps in their disclosures and strategies as reflected by our ‘traffic light’ assessment for each indicator.

Have questions about the data?
We encourage companies to verify the accuracy of the data, which is sourced from third-party data providers as listed. In case of an inaccuracy, we expect companies to first verify their own public disclosures and contact the data providers directly to rectify them.
Data providers